The DDNS view allows you configure Dynamic DNS services for your device.

At the top of the page is a list of selectable services.

When a particular service is selected, details about it is shown in the connection section.

Item Description
Enabled Turn service on or off.
Label Identifier in the service list.
IP Retrieval Method Interface / Network / Script / Web.
Select Interface For Interface: Interface.
Select Connection For Network: Connection.
Script Path For Script: Local path to IP detection script.
Enter website to poll for ip address For Web: Address to IP detection service.
Provider Service provider list.
Enter DDNS Provider Manually add service provider.
Domain name Full hostname to use for the device.
Username Service account username.
Password Service account password.
Use HTTPS USe secure communication with service.

DDNS Services

You can add as many DDNS Services as you like.

To add a DDNS Service:

  • Click the add button

A new service is added to the list.

  • Edit the parameters as needed.
  • Click Apply